Events and Meetings

In the summer months, the club meets weekly every Tuesday evening for "running" meetings. Since 2013, this is held at the Howe-Ross Pond, in a disused end of one of Tomlinson's quarries. A group of members also participates in a Wednesday evening run at Brown's Inlet in the Glebe neighborhood. The club also participates in a variety of community events throughout the summer, in locations that are more accessible to the public.

Our 2024 calendar of community events is expected to include these great activities.

Summer 2024 Meetings

Official start of Tuesday runs - Tomlinson Howe-Ross Quarry

May 7, 2027

Come down and see us, every Tuesday, in the afternoon and early evening. Retired members tend to show up around 15:00. If the weather's bad, or we're not there, we're probably at Tim Horton's near Greenbank and Hunt Club.

Wednesday Runs - Brown's Inlet - Ottawa, Ontario

May 1, 2024

A group of members meets at Brown's Inlet in the Glebe every Wednesday evening during the summer months. Come and enjoy the boats in this scenic local park pond setting.

Stewart Park Festival - Perth, Ontario

July 20, 2024

Sail in the mighty Tay river, right in the heart of downtown Perth, with lots of musical entertainment for the family. Event starts at 10am and continues until 4pm.

Last Day at Pond

October 29, 2024

This is the last official summer meeting at the Pit. After this, the water generally becomes more solid than liquid.

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